Every year I give myself a review…
Funny,, sure.. yet, I always find it helpful to cram the years events into my holiday seasons so that I may savor
every passing moment of the year.

Well, how can I describe it in one word?
2013 was a long year of some rather difficult lessons.
Maybe it was the whole 25 thing, but my world was shook more than once this year.

Some people may say that you have to learn it the hard way to truly understand.
After taking in some hard lessons, I still disagree with this reckoning.
As, you just learn with the experiences that are dealt daily.
So, we all have good and bad days- some lessons come on the good days, and we walk away with a smile, happy to know all
the better.
Some lessons, come on the rough days-*-*- but still a lesson all the same.

One of the hardest lessons: backpeddling is for real!
Also- neccesary- Think of this: we are literally rewiring our brain with every thought process as:

When we write off something from our life, we are constituting a mental impairment,

the more negative neurons that jump from our entangled synapses of what we have been taught, but maybe
not always so much of-what we have learned-

They say that today we live in a free society-
NOTHING in this world comes free- one or one another we are going to pay the toll.

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